Hey Modern Thrillers! My name’s Josh and I’m a new blogger for this site! I want to tell you a little bit about myself. I enjoy golfing, hanging out with “the boys”, cooking meals, keeping myself and my home clean, and meeting some pretty interesting women. Oh by the way, something else you might want to learn about me… I’m a very nice guy. What does that mean? It means I’m a well-mannered, warm-hearted gentleman who isn’t interested in girls just to get in bed with them like some of the yahoos I see at the night-clubs and bars. (I don’t dance at the clubs I just walk around asking people if they have a safe ride home). Don’t get me wrong, it makes me wonder when I do see some of these guys coming out with the best looking girls, which look as hot as call girls from London. I think to myself how can they pull of such beauties?
As a nice guy I know that you have to treat every woman not matter what size, shape, or former gender like they are a princess that must be cherished like the Heart of the Ocean Diamond (I love Titanic). I am a hopeless romantic who doesn’t understand why girls are always dating jerks. I am also a passionate and tender lover, there is nothing more beautiful than two bodies coming together as one and just being there.
I may no be like the other guys but I KNOW that these are things that all men love post-coitus. I should know, women have described as the softest lover they have ever had.
Staring into Each Others Eyes
There is nothing that guys love more than to stare into a woman’s eyes after they have made love. Sometimes it even hurts when she blinks because I am being deprived of those beautiful eyes for a millisecond. I like to have at least ten minutes of uninterrupted eye contact before she can get up to use the bathroom or take a cold shower.
Playing with his Chest Hair

I think it’s just swell when after we finish doing the bedroom mamba when a woman plays with my chest hair. I like when they pull it and stroke it. But if a girl ever wants me to shave my chest I will definitely do it. Whatever they want– I will change for them.
Being the Little Spoon
Why do girls get to hog the little spoon time?! I love nothing more than to feel a girl wrapped around my quivering body after some good sex. It reminds me of when I was in the womb.
AYEEEEEEE!!! Who doesn’t love chocolate! Not just girls. I always have a box of chocolates in my freezer because you never know when you are going to surprise a girl you just met with a roses and chocolates. I usually show up unannounced at their workplace.
Changing the Sheets
Guy’s love making sure that the woman they are making love to has a clean bed to sleep in. That’s why I always change the sheets directly after our ten minute eye contact section. I go all out. I get a new top sheet, pillowcases, and comforter. The girls may seem annoyed but I know that they love standing in my bath robe while I make the bed.
Batting my Balls like a Kitten with Ball of Twine
Even though we just had sex there is nothing will a little post-play. If there are any ladies reading this here is a video for reference. It’s totally safe for work.
That Noise She Makes
All you guys know that noise. It’s halfway between a yawn and a moan. I secretly tape that sound every time and now I listen to it by myself when I’m lonely.
Hey, I wouldn’t be such a great guy if I didn’t have a sense of humor. When guys are finished making love it’s always good to lighten up the mood with a few Knock Knocks. You can even poke fun at his performance, it’s always so nice to laugh together.
Watching You Sleep

After about an hour of pillow talk, chances are that your lady is going to fall asleep. I usually pretend to pass out too but here’s the secret… I don’t! Once I hear some heavy breathing I wake up, stand and watch my angel sleep for another hour. I just want to make sure that she is safe. I can’t be the only guy who loves to do this.

After making sweet, passionate love for 5 minutes there is nothing more beautiful than euphorically weeping together, or alone. Women like to see a sensitive man who isn’t afraid to cry.