It’s normal to feel adrift after graduating from college. While some of your friends have plans to continue their education, others might be heading home to pick up where they left off at their old retail job.
These types of life transitions are rarely easy, but
relying on a few role models can help offer guidance during an
uncertain time.
Whether you’re trying to make it big in your
career or find happiness wherever you are, here are some of the top
types of role models to look up to when you need a buoy in a sea of
The Start-Up Genius
What’s nice about launching a start-up is that you become your own boss. This factor makes launching your own tech business a huge dream for many college majors, including IT specialists, mathematicians, engineers, and even writers. The allure of helping people while simultaneously achieving your own dreams is enough to make anyone pack their bags for Silicon Valley. But without the right mentor to look up to, you could be swan diving into failure.
on a mentor is key to navigating the highs and lows associated with
each venture. Of course, becoming a tech entrepreneur or focusing on
another kind of start-up is no different. For example, Bill Gates, Mark
Zuckerberg, and Charutha Bandara
are no strangers to these turbulent waters. By staying up-to-date with
current technology trends, innovating in their fields, and listening to
their consumers, these greats have been able to defy the odds and keep
moving forward.
This type of goal doesn’t come without
missteps, however. It’s a commitment to taking chances and having a
back-up plan when things go south. Moving to Silicon Valley right out of
graduation might be good for some, but establishing solid ground where
you are is a great first step. This is especially important since feelings of exhaustion
are common after (and during, to be honest) college. Even if you feel
like you have to run headlong into the tech field, there’s nothing wrong
with pausing and catching your breath. Performing some research on tech
trends and looking up companies to get your feet wet can help you learn
more about the real-world applications of your field outside of the
The Unlikely Hero
The most powerful people in America have typically been the same group of people. Unfortunately, many of these people have achieved their power through similar ways, which doesn’t apply to the diverse group of graduates getting their degree each year. If you’re in the doldrums about your chances of making it, looking up to strong, diverse leaders is the best way to light a fire in your heart.
Looking up to those who
have overcome adversity will help you identify barriers to success in
different ways. Even if you cannot relate directly to the issues some of
these success stories have experienced, you can still find information
in how they dealt with these pitfalls. After all, Barack Obama didn’t
become president because he looked up to George Washington. Even though
many people look up to their parents
as their top role models, it’s only because we know how much they have
gone through that they have become this hero or heroine in our minds.
The Spiritual Advisor
This option is wonderful for those who have a religious background. In times of hardship, people have relied on spiritual guides for what seems like millennia. Whether that means going to brunch with your youth pastor to talk about the Common English Bible or attending a religious community event, many people have felt lighter after speaking with a trusted advisor. These individuals can help run through a quick bible study or even dissect time-old translations that you’ve never thought of before.
If you’re not one for
religion, speaking to a therapist can also be a form of spiritual
healing. After all, our stressors are a part of how we live our day to
day lives. When you gain a sense of direction, other areas of your life
can become more clear.
When you’re looking for guidance after
college, looking up to your role models can be a great start. Try these
three options, but don’t be afraid to branch out for a variety of