Meet Jeremy: freshly 21, soon-to-be graduate from a 4-year university, and never been dealt a hand of cards at the Blackjack table.
Gambling inexperience wouldn’t be an issue for most people, but our offices have a scheduled trip to Vegas in June and it’s imperative our boy Jeremy learns the tricks of the trade.
To break him in softly, we suggested he try a hand through the BGO Blogger Blackjack competition, with £150 on the line. In order to participate, contestants are required to blog their hands and notify BGO by February 28th (that’s today, Jeremy!) whether or not they want to hit, stay or double down.
These are the cards Jeremy received last earlier on the 24th,

While our gut is telling us to double down, what say you, readers? Should Jeremy hit, stay or double down? We only have hours left to make a decision and should Jeremy win this thing we figured he can use the £150 BGO credit to further refine his skills and chronicle the experience.
If you manage a blog, you’re also encourage to participate. Email BGO at for your hand and any additional cards you need for taking that ballsy hit. Good luck to everyone and don’t forget to check the hashtag #bloggerblackjack.