Internet Chat Room Fun, Pt II

Internet Chat Room Fun, Pt II

Today we’ll be accessing Internet chat rooms (yes, they still exist) and pretending that our car just broke down on the side of the road. LET’S GO.



Helpimstuck33: Hey, how ya doing?

17yo wrestler: fine u

Helpimstuck33: Could be better, just nice to finally have someone stop and talk to me!

17yo wrestler: Asl

Helpimstuck33: 22/m/side of the road

Helpimstuck33: More specifically, AZ

Helpimstuck33: U?

Helpimstuck33: Hello?

17yo wrestler has logged out, message delivery failed.

Helpimstuck33:  Ah great, could be hours before anyone else comes this way …



helpimstuck33: Can you help me?

roleplaymale: With what

helpimstuck33: My car is stuck about 50 miles outside of town. Just my luck!

roleplaymale: Put the key in n a turn it

helpimstuck33: Okay.

helpimstuck33: Yeah, nothing.

helpimstuck33: I’m sweating pretty bad and have bad indigestion.

roleplaymale: Whas the stick say

helpimstuck33: Stick? I don’t drive stick.

helpimstuck33: It’s a Honda Odyssey. 2003.

helpimstuck33: Great car. Reliable.

helpimstuck33: (sarcasm)

roleplaymale: The fuel stick, says how much gass there is

roleplaymale: Gas it

roleplaymale: Do u see the e and f?

helpimstuck33: I do. It’s on E. Like below it, actually.

roleplaymale: Ur outta gas


helpimstuck33: That’s not possible, I just pumped some like 3 hours ago!

helpimstuck33: Put like 5 gallons in.

roleplaymale: Ur probly out of gas

helpimstuck33: Well, great! Can you … can you drive down here possibly? Pick me up?

helpimstuck33: Where are you located?

roleplaymale: Bengkak


helpimstuck33: Is that close to AZ?

roleplaymale: asia

helpimstuck33: No bridge?

roleplaymale: Nah

helpimstuck33: Great … looks like I’m stuck. Help!

roleplaymale: What u wan me to do?

helpimstuck33: Well, it would really cheer my up if you wrote me a poem.

roleplaymale: No thanks

helpimstuck33: Please?

helpimstuck33: I’m not good at peoms

helpimstuck33: It’ll be cute 🙂

roleplaymale: Ya .. or lame.

helpimstuck33: Just try. Like four lines. Something quick.

(a minute passes)

roleplaymale: over the endless waters

roleplaymale: two dolphins in love


(another minute passes)

roleplaymale: each one trying to get the golden coin


roleplaymale: before it sinks


roleplaymale: #lame

helpimstuck33: I think that’s actually pretty good!

roleplaymale: thanks

roleplaymale: but yr just saying that

helpimstuck33: what made you think of the golden coin? does that represent me?

roleplaymale: meaby

helpimstuck33: no, really, I think it’s beautiful

helpimstuck33: it reminds me of my grandmother too

helpimstuck33: she was a sailor

roleplaymale: wow noce

roleplaymale: *nice

helpimstuck33: is there anything I can do for you?

roleplaymale: no not really

helpimstuck33: maybe a poem?

roleplaymale: sure

roleplaymale:       J

helpimstuck33: okay

helpimstuck33: be gentle!

roleplaymale: ok

roleplaymale: start

helpimstuck33: Help I’m stuck

helpimstuck33: Sure could use a tow truck

helpimstuck33: Over the endless seas

helpimstuck33: Coconuts in palm trees

roleplaymale: awesome

roleplaymale: i love it

helpimstuck33: I borrowed a line from your poem I really liked

roleplaymale: and it rhymes

helpimstuck33: Yeah! Haha!

roleplaymale: ur awesome

helpimstuck33: You’re awesome!

roleplaymale: thanks

roleplaymale: so what nexy

roleplaymale: *next

helpimstuck33: hmm

roleplaymale: hmmm

helpimstuck33: do something crazy!

roleplaymale: tell em what and i just might

helpimstuck33: hmm

helpimstuck33: do a hand stand!

roleplaymale: against a wall?

helpimstuck33: yeah

roleplaymale: i can try

roleplaymale: brb

(several minutes pass)


roleplaymale: i can allmost do it

helpimstuck33: can I tell you something personal?

roleplaymale: ok

helpimstuck33: This isn’t my car … it’s my sister’s

helpimstuck33: I took it without her knowing

roleplaymale: wow

roleplaymale: you got guts

roleplaymale: now what

helpimstuck33: I think karma is out to get me … the only thing out here is a big friggin cactus!

roleplaymale: lol

roleplaymale: so what you ganna do

helpimstuck33: well I’m standing by the car

helpimstuck33: hopefully someone stops

roleplaymale: same

roleplaymale: i hope you get help



helpimstuck33: Can you help me?

sexyhotguy: with wat

helpimstuck33: I think my car overheated

sexyhotguy: ok

helpimstuck33: are you experienced with that at all?

sexyhotguy: r u in it

helpimstuck33: yes

helpimstuck33: should I not bve?

sexyhotguy: get out it is going to explode


elpimstuck33: Look, I know you think this is a joke

helpimstuck33: but I’m stranded on the I-10 right now

sexyhotguy: ok

sexyhotguy: i want u to die

helpimstuck33: jeez

sexyhotguy: i am a criminial

sexyhotguy: cold hearted one

helpimstuck33: what did you do?

sexyhotguy: i kill

helpimstuck33: hard to imagine a sexy hot guy be a killer! Lol

sexyhotguy: well u know a raper

sexyhotguy: i rape

helpimstuck33: Haha!

sexyhotguy: kill

sexyhotguy: and u know get the pleasure

helpimstuck33: sooooo random


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