The internet is a wonderful, miraculous place where literally anything can happen. But because the internet is such a huge and vast entity, it’s an extremely difficult place to rule. While I don’t think any one person or group of people could essentially control the internet, I think I have found a group of guys that have come extremely close.
The GAG Quartet is a group of three guys (lol, but their name is ‘Quartet’) that “met on an online dating site,” according to their Facebookbio, who take classic video game and popular internet meme soundtracks and turn them into kick-ass rock renditions. From the Nyan Cat theme song to Tetris, The GAG Quartet has some pretty incredible covers — and music videos for that matter.
The GAG Quartet – 8-bit Anthem
The GAG Quartet – le Internet Medley
These guys are beyond awesome and totally deserve your support. Like them on Facebook and buy their songs on iTunes so they can continue to make music and shoot music videos!