If you require extra medical assistance and need to travel, then using an NEMT service can help to make the experience more comfortable and less stressful. NEMT is non-emergency medical transport, and this comes in many different forms, from road transport to air travel. A common alternative to air ambulances, NEMT could be a good idea for you or your loved ones on your next journey. Read on to find out more of the basics of NEMT, who is it for and how it works.
What is it?
NEMT, or non-emergency medical transport like flights for terminally ill patients, are modes of transport for those with various illnesses or conditions, who need extra medical support while traveling. The modes of transport vary, including planes and vans. In the case of air travel, the NEMT option is different to an air ambulance, as it allows you to fly on a commercial flight, with the support of a flight nurse. There is also an RN Flight Coordinator who deals with the logistics of the air and ground travel.
Who is it for?
There are many factors to consider when deciding whether or not NEMT is the right choice for you, and your doctor and healthcare team will be able to advise you as to the correct course of action. In general, situations where you may need to use NEMT for yourself or loved ones can include:
- Moving parents – if parents or older family members are traveling, they may feel safer and more comfortable using NEMT services, as there is support on hand if they should need it.
- Injuries away from home – if you are on vacation and you are injured, you may use NEMT services on your travels back home, keeping you safe and comfortable and giving you more peace of mind.
- Children – if your child or a young person has a medical condition, illness or injury, then traveling using NEMT services can also help to support them and yourself, making the trip less stressful.
- Receiving health treatment – sometimes you or a loved one may have to travel in order to receive healthcare and treatment. In this case, NEMT services can be used during the journey.
These are just a few of the situations in which NEMT services may be used.
Why use it?
There are numerous reasons as to why you may choose to travel with an NEMT service. For example, NEMT flight services are often used as a non-emergency alternative to air ambulances, as they can be more cost-effective. Many flights can still allow you to travel in a wheelchair or stretcher, as the flight nurse will be able to handle and deal with these, even on a commercial flight.
NEMT services are incredibly useful when it comes to illnesses or accidents, as it can provide you or your loved one with peace of mind during the journey. Some options, such as flights, even offer worldwide services, so that you can travel securely and safely to your destination.