Remote working is everywhere nowadays, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic shook the world, but as a new experience to many people, you may be wondering how you can make it easier, more effective, more productive, or at least less problematic. This is what we’re going to focus on today with these top ten remote working tips you need to know!
- Create a Work Environment
Sure, you could work in your bed from your laptop, but you’re not going to be productive whatsoever. You need to create a dedicated workspace, even if you’re working in a public cafe, where you’re able to streamline what you’re doing and focus. This also means getting the right software and equipment/tools so you can get the job done.
This includes everything from pens and notepads to effective remote file access tools! This is how you get the best results.
- Have Breaks!
No one can stress this point enough. If you do not have breaks and you just keep grinding on through to the end of the day, you’re going to be exhausted and completely unproductive. This is how mistakes slip through the cracks. Try the Pomodoro technique for staying focused and hydrated.
3. Plan Your Day
Planning your day can be incredibly beneficial because it allows you to actually see what you need to be doing, rather than having it all floating around in your head where it’s bound to become messy, stressful, and chaotic. That’s where things start to go wrong.
4. Create Off-Time
Hand in hand with the point above, don’t forget to have downtime where you can relax and unwind. A common problem with working remotely is not knowing when to switch off. Block out your days and have downtime in that time.
5. Have a Switch Off Time
If you’re working for set hours every day, but you’re answering emails, reading group chats, and so on while you’re off the clock, you’re giving yourself stress and anxiety when you don’t really need it. At the end of your workday, finish work and be done with it until the next day.
6. Be Social
It can be hard to keep a good habit of seeing people while working at home because you’re already home. Everything you need is already there, so why not just stay in? It’s this kind of isolation that’s going to leave you feeling stressed and anxious. Make time for the ones you love!
7. Get Some Exercise
When you’re working from home, it’s easy to get caught in the trap of staying and sitting in front of your PC all day every day, but this isn’t going to do anything good for your health. Get a standing desk for your posture. Drink enough water. Go for walks. Regularly exercise. These are all important for making sure you’re looking after yourself.
8. Have Boundaries
Think about how connected you are with your family, friends, children, and pets while remote working, especially if you’re working at home. If you want the best experience, you need to have clear boundaries that state when people can get a hold of you and when they can’t. Don’t forget to have boundaries with yourself.
9. Track Your Work Time
Using a time tracker, you can see how long you’re working for and what you’re getting done, both of which can be super-helpful in allowing you to see your ideal times for working, when you’re getting the most done, and where you can improve. This is all invaluable information.
10. Minimise Distractions
This point should go without saying, but create an environment where you can zone into your work. Leave your phone in the other room. Use a website blocker to stop you from accessing websites you shouldn’t. Work smarter, and you won’t have to work harder.
By following these tips, you should notice an instant improvement in what you’re capable of achieving while remote working. Through higher productivity, you’ll become happier, less stressed, more social, and all while staying in control of your own life.