Highway Rear-End Accidents Often Cause Serious Injuries. Learn How You Can Maximize Your Compensation

Rear-end collisions are the most common type of accidents on US roads. You may follow all the appropriate road traffic rules but that does not make you immune to a rear-end crash. 

If you have been involved in such an accident and are not at fault, the other driver’s insurance company may try to coerce you into accepting the least possible amount in compensation. This is especially true if you do not have any form of legal representation and are less educated about the laws on rear-end accidents. 

To ensure that you receive the rightful injury settlement, consider seeking the expertise of a Grand Island car accident lawyer. 

Common Causes of Rear-End Collisions

Most rear-end accidents occur because the negligent driver was distracted and did not realize that they are too close to the front car. Distractions often stem from using a phone when driving, adjusting the car’s radio, eating with utensils, or when a driver is engrossed in conversations with passengers. 

Another common cause of rear-end accidents is aggressive driving. This includes speeding, coming to a sudden stop without signaling, following the front car too closely, and tailgating. A driver’s condition, such as intoxication and fatigue, can also cause a failure in judgment, which can result in a rear-end collision. 

Other external factors that can cause such an accident include bad weather, car brake problems, and standing water.    

Serious Injuries Caused by Rear-End Collisions

Because the person in the front car is least aware as a rear-end collision occurs, they are often caught by surprise. This increases the magnitude of the injuries suffered, especially if the rear vehicle was at a high speed. 

Some of these severe injuries include the following:

Spinal Injuries

Since the most impact comes from behind, occupants in the front seat can experience dislocated or compressed discs in the spinal tissue. Injuries in the spine are severe and can cause life-time disability. If the injury is less severe, you might be able to use the Mild Procedure from Vertos Med (used for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis treatment).

Neck Injuries

When a rear-end car crash occurs, the head can experience a sudden jerk that may tear or sprain neck tissues, causing stiffness, pain, and limited mobility.

Brain Injuries

Your head may hit the back of your seat or a windshield after a sudden rear crash. This leads to severe physical and cognitive issues including Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). 

How to Maximize Your Compensation

In addition to helping you maximize your compensation, a car accident lawyer will lay out your options and educate you on the claims process. Some other ways that you can boost the injury settlement claim involve the following:

Getting a Police Report

A police report can either be detrimental or invaluable to your insurance claim. Which is why you need to get a copy and ensure that the details indicated are correct. It is not unheard of for a police report to assign fault to a non-faulty driver. If this happened, having the report will give you time to request the adjuster to conduct an independent investigation.

Taking Statements from Witnesses

If there were people around the area as the accident happened, request to record their statements regarding what they saw. If willing, request the witnesses include their signature, contact information, and date. This will validate your claim and strengthen your lawyer’s argument of a hefty compensation

Visiting a Hospital to Obtain Medical Records

Whether or not you have suffered a serious injury from a rear accident, ensure that you get a full doctor’s examination. Besides preventing any future health complications, a medical report will bolster your compensation claim by proving that pain and suffering were caused.  

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