Throwing an epic party is one way to get all of your friends’ attention. Unfortunately, parties are also expensive. That is, unless you happen to know a few tricks. If you are new to the world of shindig-throwing, don’t sweat it. We’ve got you covered.

Image via Flickr by Apreche
Discount Food
Private catering is beyond the reach of a casual get-together, but at the same time, pizza seems a little too “college-y.” One way to handle the situation is to get some platter-type arrangements at the grocery store — meat and cheese plates and the like. Though this can save you some money, it is somewhat insubstantial. If you are a bit more ambitious, consider cooking something like pasta. This takes more time, but can impress your guests. Finally, you could let your guests know your party will be a potluck and let them do all the work. Try to coordinate their contributions so you don’t end up with twenty bags of chips and no entrées.
Low-Cost Liquor
Most parties thrown by people over 21 prominently feature alcohol as a social lubricant. Unfortunately, the good stuff costs the big bucks, and you may not have the cash available. There are inexpensive generic beers and liquor, but they are often not particularly flavorful. Instead, look for discounts on better stuff, like seasonal beers on discount after the season has passed. Don’t skimp too much here, though; after all, booze is half the reason for the party, anyway. You could simply go BYOB, but that is unlikely to win you friends.
Offseason Decorations
Seasonal party decorations are an item that loses financial value quickly; as soon as the season passes, the festive markers of that holiday go to the Neverland of remaindering and discount stores. The internet had made hunting up old decorative items easier and cheaper than ever, just hop on Amazon, you’ll find great deals in the offseason. The key to discount decorating is creativity: where some might see Christmas lights, you might see adjustable multicolored mood lighting, perfect for a room to chill in. Another great way to save money with offseason goods is to use holiday-themed paper plates and plastic cups.
Online Radio
A DJ is certainly out of the low-end of the price range for most people, and playing your own music collection exposes you to the scorn of your less charitable friends towards your favorite Bieber tracks. Online radio options like Pandora offer a wide choice of music in one place, powered by your laptop or smart device. Changing up the channel every once in a while keeps things from being stale, and if someone wants to hear a particular track, there is always YouTube.
Parties are a lot of fun, but for the uninitiated host, they can also cause a pile of stress. There’s no need to worry, though; the biggest factor for success is simply having a good mix of friends. Invite an interesting list, put a little thought into creating a good mood, and things will go great.