If you have 11 minutes to spare, you should definitely watch British short film: He Took His Skin Off For Me by Ben Aston. No CGI was used in the making of this movie, what you see is a crowd-funded strangely romantic skinless man with gobs and gobs of fake blood. Based on the short story by Maria Hummer, it’s delightfully grotesque, sweet, and a little melancholy at the same time, perfect for those with ADD and a history of complicated relationships. The film took two years to come together, especially with the special effects (with help from Colin Arthur).
For SFX film freaks: the short’s website also contains tutorials on how to make your own anatomically correct body without skin.
He Took His Skin Off for Me, in my opinion is all about the struggles of truly revealing yourself to your partner.
He Took His Skin Off For Me from Ben Aston on Vimeo.