The holidays will be here before you know it so now is the prime time to start putting money back and applying these money saving tips. Between the parties and gifts, it is easy to use a nice chunk of your money over the holidays, but with these tips, you won’t be struggling come the new year.
Save on Your Electronics
First, start with simplifying your life and trying to find a better option when it comes to cable or streaming options. Every internet supplier has special deals and combo packages. For instance, check out the current Centurylink internet plans to see the latest promotions and services available.
You also want to be on the lookout for the best mobile phone deals. These usually pop up before the holidays. Some of the best deals I have come across are for Samsung Galaxy phones. I actually have one of these and it is a great phone, so if you can find a deal on a new one, make sure to snag it. Virgin Mobile has some deals right now where you can save each month, helping you stay on your feet around the holidays. If you are looking for an iPhone, Virgin Mobile also has terrific monthly deals on different versions. Also, most of these deals come with unlimited texting, saving you even more in the end.
In addition to that, price shop for the best prices for the internet. Many companies now offer lower prices with a locked in rate guarantee. For the end of the year, try to cut back on unnecessary purchases and costs, especially when it comes to your electronics and gadgets.
Save Your Change
Make it is a habit to save all of your change and small bills. Create a small piggy bank to use either for the extra expenses you see over the holidays or as a fund to use after the first of the year. Remember, no amount is too small. Even if it is just a few quarters to a few dollars each day or week, as long as you keep it going, it will add up.
Look for Deals
It is never too early to start your shopping. This means you want to look for deals and take advantage of any sales you come across. You will be able to score great deals on decorations and gifts around Halloween for the upcoming holidays. Also, think about suggesting other alternatives to giving gifts like a White Elephant exchange so you aren’t having to buy everyone something. Or even talk about having a potluck party so one person isn’t stuck with the expense and work.
Be Open to Ideas
It may not be easy, but try to get in the mindset of being open to saving money. This means it is OK to say not to doing every single thing you are invited to do. Try not to go out to dinner too much or do extra activities. You might need to sacrifice a few things to save a few bucks, but it will be worth it.