Pizza Hut has released their newest pizza and it doesn’t sound very appetizing. The Hot Dog Pizza Bites will hit over 6,300 Pizza Huts on June 18th.
Don’t get me wrong, I love Pizza Hut’s Stuffed Crust Pizza, but this is taking it a little too far. It is a regular pizza with a crust made of 28 hot dog bites. You can pull off the bites and dip them in mustard or whatever condiment you like with your hot dogs.

Courtesy of Pizza Hut
The pizza chain is hoping that this new pizza will help draw in customers since they have seen some low sales recently. I don’t think this is the way to get people to eat your product though. This could just be a way to spruce up their advertising, but there are better pizza advertising ideas.
I really do not think this is going to become popular or help Pizza Hut’s sales. With all of the yummy local pizza joints popping up all over the country, Pizza Hut may have run their course.
Most of the people I talk to say it doesn’t sound good at all and that they are not even interested in trying the pizza. However, there are a small handful of people who think what better pizza for America? Well I don’t think that is a good way to look at it. America already has an obesity problem and pizzas like this are not going to help the issue.
I think that if food chains are not doing well, they shouldn’t add an extremely unhealthy option to their menu. They should try to make a healthy option or maybe try to revamp existing options. I would like to try to find out the nutrition facts on this pizza, but I have not been able to come across them yet.
It will be interesting to see how this new pizza does and how long it will last. I know that I have no intentions of trying it.