2012 has been quite the year. We soldiered through a contentious Presidential election, weathered the storm literally with Hurricane Sandy, and read some of the best Top 10 lists that the internet has to offer. Everything from Top 10 albums to Top 10 Bad TV Shows. It seems like if there is any interest in a subject somebody has compiled a list ranking the best of the best. Here is a list of Top 10 lists you won’t be finding on the internet anytime soon.
Top 10: Ways to Burn a Grilled Cheese Sandwich

#7. Give your sandwich to a convicted Arsonist
Top 10: Corporate Sexual Harassment Seminars

#2. Big Willy’s Look but Don’t Touch Symposium @ The Scenic Holiday Inn Express in Duluth, MN.
Top 10: Ways to Reject an Invitation to Senior Prom

#10. “March 22nd? Can’t make it. That’s the night I clip my toenail.”
Top 10: New Songs by The Scorpions

#8. Thunder Wombat (Feat. 2 Chainz and Sheryl Crow)
Top 10: Other Uses for Pepto Bismol

#9. Susan G. Komen Body Paint.
Top 10: Ways to Convince People you aren’t a Skin Head you just have Alopecia

#4. “American History X is the most important movie ever made.”
Top 10: Dangerous Bicycles for your Kids

#3. The Knifecycle
Top 10: Corgis Operating Heavy Machinery

#5. Photo of Corgi performing a CAT Scan on another Corgi.
Top 10: Weird Noises my Kia Optima Makes

#1. “Vrrrrrrrm putt putt blech”
Top 10: Joyless Dinners with your Family

#6. The night that dad had to sell his Emmit Smith jersey to pay the gas bill.