Writing is a skill to develop, whether in school or the workplace, as a hobby or in personal communication. Creative writing is challenging but rewarding. It can be your path to better life.
Numerous studies revealed that people who express themselves creatively feel happier. Many writers admit that craft brings them joy. It provides a profound sense of contentment.
Even if you don’t want to become a professional writer, the activity is beneficial. It doesn’t matter what form of creative writing do you prefer. It may be Julia Cameron’s famed Morning Pages, which are three pages of stream of consciousness writing done in the morning. Otherwise, you can write essays, stories or even a novel to call your own. Keeping a journal would be a fine choice as well. Creative writing will make a significant difference in your life.

1. You gain the valuable skills
Writing involves different mental processes. An author has to research, analyze, and find alternative and better solutions. So, it is beneficial for the following aspects:
Poor vocabulary generates difficulty in sharing experiences and communicating with others. Daily writing enriches your word-stock. What is more, it helps to convey complicated ideas effectively. Brain forgives fuzzy abstractions, and prose doesn’t.
Writing on a certain topic involves strong arguments. This transforms well to the oral communication. You resent facts and opinions in a calm, rational way.
Everyone can write a piece of content but not everyone knows how to properly write content that converts. Copywriting is the ability to use the written word to persuade someone to take action. That could be to make someone to reply to your email, purchase your product or read something important. Copywriting is closing in Print. It is the ability to persuade influence and engage. Copywriters nowadays are among the highest-paid people in the world and yet most of us don’t know that this profession really exists. There are a lot of model copywriters that can help you advance in this aspect, Stefan’s blog might be the easiest choice for you.
Critical thinking
Creative writing is interpreting the world around in a meaningful manner. It requires having an aesthetic view and the ability to take an honest look at yourself.
When you brainstorm, you often have half-formed ideas in your head. Some of them contradict each other. Creative writing makes you get thoughts together. You try to find alternative solutions rather than opting for the standard ones. If you have to make a tricky decision, write about pros and cons to purify your thoughts.
Analytical thinking
Creative writing sets up an environment for analyzing abilities. You gather information, articulate your thoughts, visualize and solve problems. Storytelling stimulates your mental performance. Writing can help to maintain cognitive skills as a person ages.
Obviously, you will strengthen your writing skills by regular practice. If you succeed in creative writing, it can bring you income. Consider working for resources like EssayService.com or blogging.
2. You experience a therapeutic effect
A substantial range of studies on the healing value of writing was carried out. Creativity and self-expression both have healing properties.
The researchers demonstrate how helpful is the expressive writing about stressful situations. But channeling and examining negative emotions through fiction can help a person to cope with a situation without focusing directly on the trauma and reliving it again and again.
This activity allows us to escape from work, family and other obligations. Sometimes the thoughts swirl through the head chaotically. Creative writing gives a possibility to organize the ideas. This brings you clarity.

3. You become more productive
A fair number of studies have proved the suggestion that setting goals and pursuing them can lead to significant improvements in task performance. In one research, university students were asked to imagine either doing well on an exam or the process required to get a good mark. Some participants wrote down their imaginings. Students who engaged in process-simulation performed significantly better on the test than those who merely imagined the positive outcome.
Putting your goals on paper can help you achieve them. You understand the strategy of attainment. Write out what do you want to do over the next year, five years or a decade and develop a solid plan for reaching it. In the process of planning, your goals may change. Longer-term goals will be constantly evaluated and altered because of rapidly changing circumstances.
Completing a difficult task is a huge confidence-builder. And increased confidence also makes you happier. So, choose the activities and aims that make you feel challenged and engaged. Setting out to do something difficult and accomplishing that makes us happy whether it’s climbing a mountain, starting a business, completing a challenging course or writing a novel.

4. You have a bank of ideas
Productive people take better notes. If you hear or read something interesting, write it down. As an old Chinese proverb goes, the faintest ink is more powerful than the strongest memory.
Record your ideas. Let it be five or seven thoughts every day. Jot down “seven ideas for my essay writing” or “seven ideas for improving my creativity”. They could relate to anything.
As you take more and more notes, you collect a bank of ideas. Some of them will be ok. A few will be good. But a great one will definitely arise. If you want to launch a business, find a way to connect with people and build a network. The idea bank strategy might work for you.

5. You track your own growth
Journaling is a nice place to start when it comes to self-development. It begins with self-awareness. Taking a look at yourself from within will help you understand your habits, motives, values, and goals.
Write down your achievements (even the smallest ones) every day. You’ll feel more productive and inspired. The more you’re aware of your progress, the more motivated you’ll be to keep going.
A written piece that represents your feelings and thoughts is a unique document. It embodies your personal philosophy. Tracking your ideas, mistakes and achievements, you become more self-reliant person.
Any creative activity is substantially filling. Writing would become your personal therapy, productivity tool and favorite amusement.
About the Author: Michelle Brooks is the writer specializing in e-learning, self-development and psychology. Currently, she contributes to the educational resource.