Viagra and cannabis is an interesting combination. Sex is awesome, sex while high is awesome as well, but what if you want to be more than just high? What if you want to be rock-hard for hours as well? Is it safe?
How Weed Affects the Sexual Function for Men and Women
THC and other cannabinoids are thought to affect the hypothalamus, which is a brain structure that produces hormones that control sexual behavior and response. Cannabinoids make your most intimate moments… more intimate.
Weed and Sex for Men
Let’s talk about physiology. A man’s ability to have an erection is driven by both a sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the fight or flight response, also triggers an erection.
Weed and Sex for Women
Cannabis affects women differently than it does men. Physiologically, they respond to the same things that men do – but at a higher rate. It won’t have any aphrodisiac-like effects, but it definitely will affect perception.
Weed and Sex Risks
The list of all the risks you may face while having sex after smoking weed is not so long. You need to keep in mind:
- Increased blood pressure;
- Increased heart rate;
- And the mental part.
Increased Blood Pressure
The first thing that will happen when you smoke weed is an increased blood pressure. More blood gets to your brain, and it’s just like a rush of energy. People report feeling very awake, alive, and alert. If you do not like reduced blood pressure – avoid the marijuana before the sexual activity.
Increased Heart Rate
The second thing that happens is your heart rate almost doubles – in about one minute after smoking cannabis you can have a heart rate of 150 – 200 beats per minute. That’s high compared to the average heart rate. In general, we have about 70-85 beats per minute, and this higher heart rate can make you nervous or anxious.
The Mental Part
We’re not here to lecture you about the importance of being responsible during sex with your partner, but some things may be overshadowed by other, more appealing things, when you have sex on weed. Please don’t forget:
- The meaning of consent;
- The dangers of unprotected sex;
- And the fact that STDs can get you even if you’re high, so maybe having a ton of random partners is not the best thing.
While it’s true that cannabis can often be pricey due to its growing demand and legalization in many countries, there are resources like https://wccannabis.co/the-budget-buyers-guide-to-premium-cheap-canna/ available to help you find more wallet-friendly options.
What is Viagra and What Side Effects You Should Expect?
Viagra is a brand name used to refer to the drug Sildenafil Citrate, a drug used primarily for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED). Viagra has become one of the most popular drugs for treating sexual dysfunction in men.
It was initially developed by Pfizer to help with angina. It’s been tested and approved by the FDA in 1998 as a treatment for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), which is similar to angina. The drug is normally used with nitrates and has a daily dosage of one or two 50mg or 100mg tablets.
Here are the common side effects of Viagra:
- Increased BP;
- Dizziness;
- Increased heart rate.
You see the similarities, don’t you? Taking Viagra after smoking weed is a double trouble for your heart.
Do Weed and Viagra Mix Well?
Both yes and no. In case you have preexisting conditions, ANY heart-related health issues, ANY reasons to believe that you have tachycardia or you’re prone to a heart attack — you might want to avoid the mix of weed and Viagra.
How to Mix Cannabis and Viagra Safely
In case your heart is doing well — there’s no reason to worry, but you should still follow some simple safety rules:
- Take a SMALL dose of Viagra, no need to munch on the whole pack;
- Low-THC weed will give you all the effects you need, we wouldn’t recommend going over 15$ THC or so;
- Even though your mind will definitely have better things to do in the process, please keep an eye on your heart rate and blood pressure.
Weed + Viagra + physical activity might be risky, but not for all, and only if you won’t notice the side effects early enough to stop.
Final Word
You see, taking Viagra and smoking weed is not that dangerous. You can consume both Viagra and weed if you follow a simple set of rules.