People often decide on caregiver careers after they care for a loved one. Others choose caregiving because of the emotional rewards that come from helping others. The profession is an honorable one, but everyone should understand what the position entails. Here are three examples of the reality of caregiving that people may not realize.
Know Current Wages
Caregiving is a career within the medical community, but since caregivers do not always perform medical services it does not pay out the high salaries of a nurse or therapist. As people research the cdpap pay rate 2019 salaries may seem lower than expected. However, the annual pay is often higher than expected, and extra benefits make the job even more enjoyable and beneficial.
Nearly every home health care service has overtime hours available to their employees. The employee shortage in the industry makes it easy for industrious workers to have as many hours as they would like. In addition, the job offers benefits that other careers rarely include. Workers may have access to free meals with their clients, and workdays frequently include enjoyable activities like crafts projects, a walk through the park, or a day shopping.
Have Many Talents
Caregivers do not always spend their days at the side of a senior. Caregivers work with all ages of people with a variety of physical or mental ailments. Some caregivers specialize in pediatric services, some choose to work with people with mental or emotional delays, and others request only senior care. Housekeeping, preparing meals, and light medical tasks can fill the day.
Other days spent as a caregiver could include trips to the grocery store, medical clinics, or even to activities and events. Overnight caregivers may spend their entire shift quietly watching over a sleeping client. Tasks like bill paying, decorating for the holidays, and doing arts and crafts with a client may also be on a caregiver’s agenda. Anyone in the field needs to be willing to be spontaneous and do not expect every day to follow a specific routine.
Plan for Security
Visiting caregivers have a level of job security that few other trades offer. The elderly population has increased dramatically over the last few years and the number of people to care for this surge of patients has not kept pace. According to media reports, the United States needs a million more workers in this field by 2026.
Earlier generations had homemakers available to take over the majority of the care for a loved one, but today most families need two incomes. Outside aid becomes necessary as both partners spend their day at work. Overcrowding at nursing facilities and the cost of assisted living units make in-home care the most convenient and affordable choice for modern families.
Another benefit of caregiving that exceeds the value of wages is the mental health boosts a career like this provides. Caregiving for pay is not necessarily the exact definition of altruism, but any job that relies on compassion and patience meets the standard of doing good for others. Actions that people take to assist others have been shown to increase a sense of perspective, allow the helper to feel needed, and give people a more positive outlook.
Home health care providers and companions play a significant role in society. The individuals that fill these positions keep people safe, bring joy into the life of others, and help families to keep loved ones close. The job can have days that are physically or mentally exhausting, but the rewards of the work make it worth the effort.