One of the most controversial topics of the past decade is arguably CBD. There are so many misconceptions about cannabidiol that people aren’t sure whether it’s a science-based effective treatment or the latest scam trend. And the confusion is understandable – CBD is a buzzword that is cropping up everywhere.
Scam artists are distributing products labeled as CBD but watered down with so many other ingredients that users get a bad taste in their mouths from the side effects or the lack of results. This, unfortunately, happens when a great thing appears in societies – everyone wants a piece of the pie, even if they don’t deserve it.
But when you can separate the myths from the facts and reveal the truth behind cannabidiol, you might be surprised at what you see. Here’s the real skinny on this multi-billion dollar industry and why you should ignore the naysayers and scam artists and look for the truth yourself.
5 Truths Behind the Myths of CBD
You can find products advertising CBD in them just about anywhere you look. Haircare, cosmetics, weight loss supplement manufacturers and more are jumping on the bandwagon to get a piece of this groundbreaking industry. With so many people looking for their cut but offering fake CBD, it can be nearly impossible to separate fact from fiction.
Your body has a natural endocannabinoid system that has only recently been widely studied. This system is found in all animals and regulates bodily functions like sleep, memory, appetite, reproduction, and pain receptors. A depleted endocannabinoid system can result in chronic illnesses. Since it’s a natural part of your body anyway, the common argument against CBD as unnatural is easily disputed.
The truth is that CBD, in the right form, manufactured correctly, and distributed properly, can be used in many beneficial ways. Let’s separate the myth from the facts to help you form an educated opinion for yourself and your individual needs.
1. Myth: CBD isn’t scientifically backed. Opponents of CBD often use qualifying sentences like, “Sure, CBD can help a few things, but it could be in your head, too.” They argue that there is no scientific evidence that supports the use of CBD in treating health conditions.
But legitimate health publications like Harvard Health Publishing have disagreed. They are willing to publicly state that there’s a lot of scientific evidence that CBD is an effective component in treating many childhood epilepsy syndromes, anxiety, and insomnia. The Federal Drug Administration has even gone so far as to approve Epidiolex, the very first cannabis-derived medication, as an anti-seizure treatment.
The fact that the FDA approved a CBD-based medication in the first place should be enough to dispel the myth that it’s not scientifically based. In 1970, the federal government placed cannabis in the category of a Schedule 1 drug, meaning that it had no medical value. Now that placement has been questioned since the FDA was forced to accept the overwhelming evidence of CBD’s beneficial effect.
Many other scientific studies have shown that CBD is effective in treating chronic pain, as well. Topically applied CBD has been known to reduce the pain and inflammation caused by arthritis, and CBD oils have quickly risen in popularity as people tout their success in everything from weight loss to reduced illnesses. Additionally, CBD has been proven to boost energy too. If you feel you’re lacking in this, you can try CBD energy gummies from Muddy Boot Botanicals and similar sites to see for yourself.
2. Myth: CBD is the same thing as marijuana. This is one of the most common misconceptions about CBD. CBD itself is short for “cannabidiol.” This is one of the active ingredients in marijuana, but it is not marijuana itself.
CBD comes from the hemp plant, while marijuana comes from the marijuana plant. The two plants are related but not the same. Marijuana is made of hundreds of different ingredients, the combination of which provides that “high” feeling. But CBD itself in its purest fashion doesn’t give the user a sensation of feeling high, has not been reported to cause any abuse or dependencies and has not been associated with any public health-related concerns.
3. Myth: CBD is illegal unless you are in a state that has legalized cannabis. The truth of this myth is a little more blurry. Although you can purchase CBD anywhere in the country, the actual legalization of it is still in process.
Currently, the federal government has CBD placed side-by-side with marijuana. The difference is that it is not enforcing the law against it as a rule. Since the FDA is on board to some degree with CBD and you can purchase CBD products without a medical license online, the government has relaxed its stance against CBD.
The main deciding factor in determining the legality of CBD is whether it comes from the hemp or the marijuana plant. Since hemp is currently in a transitional state of becoming legal, hemp-based CBD products would be considered legal as well. Marijuana remains illegal in many states, so CBD from those plants would also be illegal.
If your state has legalized recreational marijuana laws, you can use CBD that is derived from both hemp and marijuana. Currently, wholesale CBD suppliers are allowed in these states – Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington.
However, if your state only has legalized medical marijuana law, you can only legally purchase CBD derived from marijuana plants if you have a prescription.
In any state, CBD derived from hemp plants and containing 0.3% or less THC is legal. You can learn more about and find CBD oil here.
4. Myth: CBD is not safe. With the popularity of CBD on the rise, it’s a given that there are going to be some complaints. Like any product, CBD can cause some side effects. The most commonly reported side effects of cannabidiol include fatigue and nausea. Some users report increased irritability.
Since CBD is predominantly marketed as a supplement, it does not fall under the rules and regulations that a medication would have to be subject to. The FDA does not control how CBD or other supplements are distributed, so the safety of any non-medicinal product you purchase must be considered.
The purity of your CBD will determine how safe it is and how well your body responds to the product you are using. For this reason you may want to experiment with both dosage and delivery. For example, using a topical CBD may be the best way to introduce CBD to your body versus something you ingest like a tincture. Just because the label designates what you are buying as pure CBD does not mean it actually is. There may be other ingredients that are not disclosed, making it crucial that you buy your product from a reputable manufacturer.
You should also talk to your medical doctor if you have health conditions that you are taking medication for. CBD has been known to react adversely with coumadin, a medication used as a blood thinner, and other medications. It increases the level of the medication in your blood.
A good rule to follow is to talk to your physician before you make any decisions to do something that may affect your health.
5. Myth: CBD will get you fired if you have to take a drug test. This is another fine line between myth and truth that you should be educated about. If you use CBD, it is possible that trace amounts of THC may show up in your urinalysis, which is often used as a drug test. These amounts would be 0.3% or less. If you want to know more about passing a drug test, read reliable resources.
To prevent this from happening to you, if you are concerned about failing a drug test due to CBD products, don’t use any that are considered full-spectrum. This phrase means that the CBD product is made using the entire plant and has THC in it.
The good news is that many companies use a CBD isolate, which contains 99% pure CBD. The isolate is a powder that takes the hemp plant and runs it through a purification process in which the plant matter itself is removed, leaving behind the CBD without the THC.
Some other products are available that fall in the category of broad-spectrum CBD. Broad-spectrum is a mix of full and pure CBD. You get the benefits of the full-spectrum products because everything from the plant except the THC is contained in the product that you are using.
Just the Facts: CBD is Everywhere
You can find CBD in more than just oil-based products. What works for one person might not work for you and vice versa. But don’t give up just because one product didn’t work or because you don’t like the way the CBD is dispensed. CBD is available in oils, tinctures, ointments, capsules, edibles, vaping, and topicals.
If you’re adventurous, you might want to try different flavors and scents. For those who prefer their supplements to be relatively invisible, go for natural tastes and smells. The choices are almost endless.
If you have been considered CBD to improve your health, you can find it just about anywhere. The problem is finding high-quality products that will dispel the myths and show you a proof of the benefits of CBD. Looking online gets you to access to high-quality products that will ship to anywhere in the United States.
When you’re ready to make an informed decision and give CBD a try, now you know what to look for. Don’t listen to the myths without revealing the facts behind them. If you do, you might lose out on a revolutionary product that may be able to help you transform your health.