It used to be that the only way of finding a significant other was through face-to-face interactions. You had to get set up through a friend, meet someone at the local library or get lucky at your favorite bar. Finding someone through the internet wasn’t even something to consider. Nowadays, it’s the complete opposite. Nobody wants to get hit on when they’re trying to find a good book to read.
That means if you aren’t taking advantage of the power of online dating than you’re at a big disadvantage. Of course, that’s easier said than done. You’ve more likely than not tried online dating but ended up with nothing to show for it. Although internet dating is easier to get into than ever, there are still things to be aware of to increase your chances of finding the one. So read on and get ready to find that special someone to spend the rest of your days with.
A Woman’s Guide To Online Dating In The 21st Century
The good thing about online dating is how accessible it is. You can be a complete party girl or a mom who spends her weekends at home. With the internet, it’s easy to find someone. What isn’t easy, however, is finding someone worth your time. Luckily you can change that. The secret is to put in some serious effort into your online persona.
Add Some Style Into Your Profile
When it comes to your dating profile, most of it should be about you. It should have your likes and dislikes. Your hobbies, what you do for work and what you do for fun. You need to show the other person who you are. Don’t shy away from the unattractive stuff either. If you’re into some esoteric stuff that some romantic prospects will snuff at, put it in anyways. You’re not trying to attract everybody. The faster you can filter out people you’re not compatible with, the better. Likewise, you should take a similar approach when it comes to who you’re looking for. Be honest and really get into what your ideal match will be.
The Three C’s Of Selfies
Don’t just take a quick selfie in the mirror and call it a day. You need a picture that shows off your best qualities well still being natural and inviting. So, how can you make sure you’re taking a photo that’s worth putting on your profile? With the three C’s that show you off the best: color, context and character. Photos should be colorful to grab attention. They should involve context (like your hobbies). They should also have a little character like you doing something quirky or funny. The best shots have color, context and character all in one shot.
Don’t Be Afraid To Take Charge
When it comes to online dating, you can’t afford to be passive. There are times when you need to take charge and message the guys you like first. You need to be active. That doesn’t mean you should message every attractive guy you see however. The messages you send should be personal. They should show the other person that you care about who they are. Comment on something from his profile. And make sure to end it with a follow up question to create conversation. Likewise in any follow-up messages that come from it.
Be Patient
Dating takes time. Online dating isn’t any different. You’re not going to find that perfect someone overnight. Or the next day. You need to be patient and accept that online dating is more about the long game. That means dealing with bad dates, no shows and catfish’s. A good profile that can help to filter out unsuitable partners goes a long way here. Being patient, however, isn’t over after you’ve had a good date or two. Like all things people, it takes time to build a solid connection and there’s no guarantee things will work out on either end.
Give it time, however, and you’re sure to find someone and build that connection you’re looking for.
Take Your Search Seriously
Online dating may seem easy. But it can be hard to tell if a guy likes you just from online messages. That doesn’t mean you should become complacent. Take your search seriously and the chances of finding that special someone will grow dramatically.