Short on ideas for what to get your girl this Valentine’s Day? With a bit of planning and DIY effort, you can put together a thoughtful and romantic gift basket personalized just for her. Choosing the right theme is key – so consider some of the charming ideas below.
Rose-themed Gift Basket
The most romantic flower of all, and a symbol of romance recognized across the world; the rose is perhaps the most traditional gift to receive on Valentine’s Day – and, as such, no longer very thoughtful. To keep things classically romantic whilst still incorporating plenty of thoughtful originality, surprise your girlfriend with roses of a different form. A rose-themed gift basket can include anything from rose scented candles and hand creams to rose-themed jewellery, notebooks or decorations. You could also include pampering beauty products like a rose petal bath bomb or romantic rose water body mist. For edibles, throw in some rose flavoured tea, Turkish Delight candy and (though not technically rose-flavoured) a pretty bottle of rosé wine. To make this gift basket even more personal – decorate with real roses of her favourite colour. This is a less conventional but equally romantic way of showering her with the world’s most romantic flower.
Picnic Gift Basket
Lavishly present her favourite foods in the classic picnic wicker basket! Don’t forget to include an outdoors blanket, an appropriate wine, plenty of flowers – and anything else which might be of use at the place to which you intend on taking her. Don’t worry about rain on Valentine’s Day – if the weather’s bad you can bring the picnic indoors! Make it extra special with nature sound audio, or by recreating the night sky with a ceiling projector.
Relationship Gift Basket
This one’s for the partner you’ve spent years with. Revive those sparks you first felt when you fell in love and tribute your journey together with a basket full of ‘relationship memorabilia’. A great idea for this sentimental gift basket might be a mixtape full of songs that have been significant to the both of you throughout your relationship. You could also include souvenirs from places you’ve travelled to, or frame receipts from amazing dates you’ve been on. Anything which represents or references some aspect of your relationship can be thrown in here. Not only will this gift be touchingly thoughtful and totally unique – it’s sure to take her on a romantic trip down nostalgia road.
Chocolate Gift Basket
Who doesn’t love chocolate? Studies have even indicated that humans are chemically wired to find pleasure in eating chocolate. Unless you’re dating a rare specimen of female, the chocolate gift basket is a safe bet. Be sure to include a good mix of her favourites (the classic types you can pick up from supermarket) with some fancier, artisan chocolates (hand-made truffles and the like). Most chocolatiers will even write personalized messages and names on chocolate bars – so spell out your love with cocoa goodness. You could also include a hot chocolate drinking set or – if your girl’s into baking – her own chocolate making kit. Diabetic or lactose-intolerant partner? Going that extra mile in getting dietary-specific chocolate is something she’ll surely appreciate!
Home Spa Gift Basket
If your girlfriend deserves a break then get her a gift basket that will encourage relaxation. From aromatic candles to fresh flowers; the basket should first and foremost contain products which will help her create a peaceful aura. If you’re not sure about her favourite brands, you might want to choose spa products based on her favourite scents and ingredients instead. Think face masks, massage oils, foot scrubs, body lotion, body sprays and bath salts. There’s a countless number of refreshing, rejuvenating and romantic gifts you can include in a spa hamper – and she’ll love the opportunity to pamper herself this Valentine’s Day.
Health & Fitness Gift Basket
Most of us have at some point dated someone who takes their fitness very seriously ( a little too seriously, it might feel like ) but regardless of whether you personally prefer sleep-ins and pizza nights over morning sprints and salads – it’s always good to be supportive. Maybe her New Year’s resolution was a healthier diet or stricter gym routine? Keep her motivated with a health and fitness gift basket. You can include a yoga guide, recipe book, meal planner, running tracker, smoothie mixer, designer water bottle and her favourite healthy snacks.
Movie Night Gift Basket
Here’s a straightforward gift basket for your girlfriend if the two of you prefer cosy nights over wild parties at the bar. Choose two or three movies – a romantic movie, a movie she’s been wanting to see, and a movie you know she loves. Don’t forget to include drinks, nachos, popcorn, candy and – of course – a comfy blanket under which you can both cuddle up.

The best thing about a Valentine’s Day gift basket is that it’s adjustable to any budget. Impress her with your consideration and creativity, and show her how much she means with something that comes straight from the heart.